Thursday, August 03, 2006

Patty's Ghost Story

My sister called me today, and we had a long chat for the first time in several weeks. The most interesting news was she swears our Mom is haunting her house.
Now, I am open to the concept of ghosts. It is strange to think of my Mom as one however. She did tell us frequently she would haunt us, mainly as a threat to get her way in life. Patty described in great detail several run-ins with Mom, and says her kids have felt "grandma" hanging around the room she lived in while she was dying and each mentioned this to her separately. Patty says she talks to Mom all the time, and she feels her "presence" behind her when she sits in a certain chair in her livingroom. I guess Mom is a little irked about not making it to the bluebonnets in Texas this year. One of her final requests was to be scattered on Texas spring bluebonnets, but there has been a drought all year here and the bluebonnets never really arrived. So being dutiful daughters we decided to wait until next year, hoping the bluebonnets would be better for Mom. Mom, however, hasn't been watching the weather report and is making her displeasure known. I guess Patty finally told her this recently out loud. It didn't help.
Mom told Patty she had been trying to talk to me, and I haven't been listening. I have had three dreams where I hear her leaving her traditional message on my old answering machine. "Hello, Laurie...Laurie...are you there? Pick up the phone...irked hurrumph... this is your mother... call me.... goodbye." Guess I better start finding the phone in my dreams and answering, or Mom will start haunting me. :::shiver::::

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