Saturday, July 15, 2006

Have I done this before?

102 Degrees today. Yes folks, that is one hundred two degrees and no /100 cents for you accountants out there. I grew up here in Texas, but scraped my pennies up for a bus ticket out of Dodge right after college. Anywhere but here I thought, and yet here I am again. Life is definitely a big wheel, just like that tarot card image "Wheel of Fortune." Sometimes you are on the upside, and sometimes the down. Texas in the blazing heat is definitely the down for me. But I am here to tell you life indeed runs in a circle and I'm living proof. No matter where I have been in my life, and where I will go, some time again I will find myself in Texas. Let's hope next time it isn't in the middle of summer.
And then there is the thought that lessons provided in life and not learned just keep repeating themselves until you run out of time. I've lived this too. Some lessons I learned pretty quickly, and some still bedevil me. I've found myself thinking a lot about this the last day or so, of the things I actually know from experience and those lessons that still repeat themselves. Like a Twilight Zone episode, same lesson different faces. Today I am grateful for the insights I have had in my life, the hard won self awareness, the lessons I have managed to learn. I do have a way to go but instead of perfection at this point of my life I seek balance. Instead of attached to an outcome I look for the happy accident. Instead of rigid thinking I celebrate changing my mind. Who knows where I will be and what I will be doing next year. Let's again hope if it is in Texas I will have a good air conditioner.

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