Friday, December 21, 2007

I have DIED and Gone to heaven!

Found this wandering around on U-Tube today. Anybody got a house I can do this to next year? (LOL)


Anonymous said...

I'll gladly donate my house, if YOU have the time and money!!!
P.S. My sidewalk even has a curve in it like the one in the video, (thought that might help you make the choice)LOL

Cedar said...

Sorry, If I was this person's neightbor that would drive me nuts. I would have to climb the electric pole and cut his line.

Laura Belle said...

(LOL) I guess that is a step up from shooting them out bulb by bulb with a shotgun. Killjoy Monkey :(

Bammy said...

Come to my house.. LOL.. How Gay would Gay Avenue be THEN? lol