Monday, November 06, 2006

Smoke Free Still

82 Days
...since I last smoked a cigarette. I'm down to five commit tabs every day, still on target to be completely nicotine free by Jan. 1st, 2007.
More good news, another friend has decided to quit and I get the opportunity to support her as an informal stop smoking cheerleader. Congratulations Pam on making that first big step today!


Anonymous said...


Bammy said...

its been.. hmmm... lemme think.. ok.. so 14 hours.. a pack of gum.. and a roll of whatever the hells they were.. and.. hmm.. still hangin.. ::smoooch:: to ya..

Laura Belle said...

GOOD JOB BAM. The first week is the hardest. Whatever it takes to not smoke. Just think of this: Every hour you don't smoke your lungs get better and clear out more. They'd thank you if they could shake your hand.

Rah, RAH...