...but not the same as usual. Tonight my beautiful dancing nieces performed a sister duet dance to the song "I Hope you Dance" and their yearly dance recital and it was stunning. At least what I saw of it through my tears seemed to be. They almost cancelled, considering the dark news that fell on their doorstep this week, but they wanted to dance for their daddy. Their father had been experiencing weakness in his arms for a while, and after three weeks of exhaustive testing the results were delivered on Wednesday, stage four testicular cancer. He is only 47 years old, with three small children. More tests next week to see if it has spread to his spine, which is the worst case scenario. It has been a week of tears here, and it has certainly put my own small concerns in life into perspective. I pray all the time, and I believe in the power of prayer. So I would be grateful for any and all extra prayers for Lewis over the next few weeks, even if they are small ones.