I missed my niece's actual graduation this weekend, I was much to sick to take my fever and constant phelm into a group of innocent bystanders. Especially with swine flew jitters, I could have cleared the room for sure (LOL) Would have been good for seating I guess. There is always an upside.
Been working on a long serious post about my recent "ah-ha" moment about animals, but it will have to wait until I can type with fewer coughing fits. Happy Birthday Mr. Cook...I hope it was a good one. Will call soon.
Otherwise, I am still alive. This is the good news :)
Hoping you feel well soon.
Feel better. Good to know that you're still alive. Tell Mr. Cook to have a slice of cake for me and I'll have a piece of pie for him (today is my birthday!).
Happy Birthday Pie God! Hope you gobbled it up with fingers and your face right in it like a pie eating contest. No one really needs utensils with a pie you know. :)
Another Gemini, always the best of friends for this Libra.
Happy (albeit belated) Birthday Godinla!
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