Sunday, June 10, 2007

Puddles is right!

Well, after days of heated angst and anticipation (with electricians crawling all over and much drilling, etc) I am pleased to announce the opening of ...>>ta-dah<<>new air conditioner!!! Today not only did I purchase it, I also installed it (with Wade's help). Yipppeeeee!! I know it isn't a big red thing that makes lots of noise like Bammy's toy, but I don't think I could be more thrilled with anything, even a Cartier diamond. There is a point in heat exhaustion that it is too much trouble to even think, much less type, so I predict more blogging will ensue. But today I am just doing a happy "new airconditioner"dance. cha-cha-cha...
P.S. Thanks Judy, for everything :)


Bammy said...

i have ab AC similar to that in my room.. but between the hours of 5 AM and 8 AM.. it has this terrible habit of.. squeaking.. like the fan is gonna fly off into the night.. So.. I have a baseball bat lined up.. from the AC.. across the file cabinet.. across the nightstand.. so when it does squeak.. all i have to do is reach over and SMACK and it stops.. for about a minute... I miss steady sleep

Laura Belle said...

(LOL) Mine doesn't squeak yet! Bite your tongue, I am just happy as a little clam to be cool!


Anonymous said...

C O O L !!

Laura Belle said...

(LOL) Yeah, than and then some Rogie. I am a delicate flower after all >>wink<<