Sunday, July 30, 2006

A Snickerdoodle Kind of Day

I made cookies today. I actually repeated my recipe of Snickerdoodle cookies from two weeks ago, because I find if I repeat a recipe several times I commit it to memory. I came into cooking later in life, as I avoided it like the plague (as well as learning to type) when I was younger to intentionally "avoid being anyone's secretary or housewife >>snap<<." Oh what foolishness we believe when we are young. This is hard to explain to anyone under 21 so I won't even bother. You'll figure it out soon enough. Now I find myself cooking and typing (poorly) all the time. Still no one's secretary or housewife, but these are life skills that do come in handy. I can check the oil in my car now too. I must be a terrible disappointment to my 20 year old self.

Started documenting my art intention alter contents here, and that required taking individual photographs of everything and clearing my alter. A great opportunity to dust it and focus my intention. The funny thing was, when Genie visited me earlier she saw right away that it was dismantled and freaked. I didn't even think she would notice and was surprised. I guess she felt an "alter-less" Laura was abnormal in some way. Even though it hangs there every day I barely notice it most times and figure most people don't. Just goes to show, my strange habit of alter building can grow on you and even seem normal after a while. Even in a small town in Texas.

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